Develop your professional network in Positive Behaviorial Intervention and Supports (PBIS). Enhance your capacity to work smarter and more effectively in implementing the PBIS framework. Join us for this exciting regional opportunity for PBIS leaders and implementers in the Northeast.
6th Annual
Northeast PBIS Network Leadership Forum
May 18 – 19, 2017
Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa
625 North Road
Groton, CT 06340
Featured Keynotes:
Anthony Biglan, Oregon Research Institute: “How the Behavioral Sciences Are Making America More Nurturing”

Diane Myers, Texas Woman’s University: “What Training Teachers Can Teach You about Classwide PBIS”

PBIS Implementation & Sustainability:
Supporting Teacher’s Classroom Management
The Ongoing (and sometimes hard) Work of Changing Adult Thinking around PBIS
PBIS in a Community Schools Model: Practice Examples and Evaluation Data
School-Wide PBIS:
Getting Started with Tier 1 School-wide PBIS
Staying on Course Through Choppy Waters: Overcoming Obstacles of School-Wide PBIS Implementation
School-Wide PBIS in Non-Classroom Settings: IGNITE Session
Student Social Connections, The Answer to the Question We Should be Asking?
Class-Wide PBIS:
Classwide PBIS Foundations: Connecting to the Basics
Intensive Classroom Management Support for Teachers in High-Need Settings
Effective Professional Development of Teachers Classroom Management Practices
The PAX Good Behavior Game: a Valuable Supplement to PBIS
Advanced Tiers:
The Systems-Conversation Approach to Tier 2: Making Your Targeted Interventions More Effective
Creative Collaboration at Tier 3 to Support Youth with Emotional Behavioral Challenges
Tier 2 Systems and Practices: IGNITE Session
Integration & Alignment:
Systematically Aligning SEL with PBIS via Empirically Based Instruction and Measurement
“It was eye-opening”: Integrating Multiple Data-Based Initiatives to Build Tiered Behavioral Support
Using Disciplinary, Academic, and Universal Screening Data to Provide Integrated Supports for Students
Aligning SEL with PBIS: Exemplar Schools
Special Settings:
PBIS in an Early Childhood Center: A School-Family-Community Partnership
Integration of the Pyramid Model and School-Wide PBIS
PBIS in Alternative Settings: IGNITE Session
Special Topics:
The Year of the Student Experience: PBIS at AHS
Practices to Promote Family Engagement in MTSS
Supporting Implementation of the Universal Tier in Urban Schools
Scaling Up PBIS in Rural Contexts: Lessons Learned in Maine
Data/Evaluation: NEW
Building Tier 1 Data Systems within the Schoolwide PBIS Framework
Drilling Down in SWIS Data for School and Student Level Analysis
School Climate Evaluation
Data-Based Decision Making: IGNITE Session
Coaching & Training: NEW
Trainer Development: Northeast PBIS Training of Trainers
Scaling-up systems-level supports for low-performing schools statewide
Using Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) with School Leadership Teams
Making it Happen: Vermont’s Strategy for Building and Growing Classroom Behavior Practice Coaches
Click here for the conference app with the program.