8th Annual
Northeast PBIS Network Leadership Forum
May 16-17, 2019
Develop your professional network in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Enhance your capacity to work smarter and more effectively in implementing the PBIS framework. Join us for this exciting regional opportunity for PBIS leaders and implementers in the Northeast.
Featured Keynotes:

Kent McIntosh
Professor of Special Education, University of Oregon
Director, Educational and Community Supports
Co-Director, OSEP Center on PBIS
Director, Educational and Community Supports
Co-Director, OSEP Center on PBIS

Susan Barrett
Director, Mid-Atlantic PBIS Network
Implementer Partner, Center on PBIS
Director, Mid-Atlantic PBIS Network
Implementer Partner, Center on PBIS

Brandi Simonsen
Professor of Special Education, University of Connecticut
Co-Director, Center for Behavioral Education and Research
Co-Director, National Technical Center on PBIS
Professor of Special Education, University of Connecticut
Co-Director, Center for Behavioral Education and Research
Co-Director, National Technical Center on PBIS
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Mystic.